Mu Guai and the Tiger's Eye: Full Series

As much as I am ready to move on with this project, I am still unsettled by the "final" product. This project has been a humbling toil, in the sense that this series took so long to finish and where so much of the media combinations were experimental to me, I feel like this project had more potential that the images display. But instead of just letting the works sit under a bed playing with dust bunnies, I'd rather own up to my creation and create better works in the future. 

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For your viewing pleasure, Here is the story Mu Guai and the Tiger's Eye. 

This is the story of how Mu Guai sailed with his brothers to Tiger Island, where they were marooned, ambushed, and eaten by the Ferociousness of Tiger Island. Mu Guai was the only brother to escape with his life, but he lost his eye. Vowing vengeance against the tiger who stole his eye, Mu Guai, stole the tiger's eye and escaped on a passing ship. 

I can assure you there will be more stories to come.